
What is most important to me?

Imagine you’re in a forest 🌳

Maybe it’s a gorgeous day and you’re hiking your favorite trail. You’re approaching the summit and smile because you know the view will be spectacular, and there’s a bench to enjoy the delicious sandwich you packed.
How did you set yourself up for this amazing experience?

Maybe you’re exploring a fun, new national park and hit an unexpected fork in the road. The sun is setting and you’re not sure which way will get you back to your car before nightfall.
How do you decide which path to take?

Maybe it’s 100˚F in the shade, you’re out of water, and just encountered a pack of coyotes who are somehow hungrier than you are.
How do you respond when shit hits the fan?

Your values are a compass 🧭

I regret to inform you, there’s no such thing as a perfect decision when you’re navigating a forest.

The same is true for designing a career that you love.

But there are countless opportunities to make amazing decisions that serve you along the path!

Values are the things that are most important to you. Your personal compass in the forest.

  • Someone who values competence may love hiking that same trail again and again, while someone who values novelty may find it a bore.

  • Someone who values resourcefulness may relish the opportunity to use the setting sun to navigate, while someone who values preparation may kick themselves for not bringing a map.

  • Someone who values risk-taking may be in their element when the coyotes show up, while someone who values security may panic and hesitate to hike again.

How to design and use your values compass 🗺️

Grab a notebook and a pen (or record a voice note) and answer the following questions:

  • “I feel energized when . Getting more of this is important to me because .”

  • “I feel drained when . Reducing or getting rid of this is important to me because .”

  • “I am craving in my life. Cultivating this is important to me because .”

What themes show up in your answers? What words show up over and over?

Choose your Top 8 Values

Not too many, not too few. Feel free to consult Brené Brown’s list of values for inspiration, but remember: your words are the most powerful.

Don’t worry about getting these values perfect, forever! As one of my mentors says, “values are a renewable resource” and will evolve as you move through life.

Sit with your Top 8 Values draft for a week to see how it feels. Also consider sharing it with a few people who you trust and know you well, and ask them if they’d add or change anything.

Locate yourself

On a scale from 1-10 (1 not at all; 10 all the time), to what extent are you honoring each of your values?

What does that look and feel like? How does that impact you? What about the people around you?

Locate your north star

On a scale from 1-10 (1 not at all; 10 all the time), to what extent do you want to honor each of your values?

What would that look and feel like? How do you think that will impact you? What about the people around you?

Take confident steps forward

What is one thing that you can do right now to increase one of your values by one point?

Play around with the size and impact of your strides, and the time horizon you’re giving yourself.

Values and career change ✨

Cool, so you have a compass of your deepest wants and needs, but… how does that help you design a career you love? Here are several examples of how we use your values in career coaching:

  • Decision-making: Instead of a pros/cons list, we’ll consult your values when making big choices like whether to leave a job

  • Path forward: We’ll map your values to well-known career language like industry, role type, working model, etc.

  • Interviewing: We’ll craft questions to help ensure the opportunity is a good fit for you (not just land any job)

  • Boundaries: Knowing what’s important to you will help us define strategies to protect your time and energy accordingly

  • Leadership: We’ll practice honoring your values (even when it’s tough) so you can be the role model you want to be

Example of values in action ✨

Today, Grace’s values in her life and business are:

  • Love > Fear: Choose love (for self and others) over fear-based thoughts and behaviors

  • Authentic Connection: Be myself; witness who I attract, and the strength of relationships built on vulnerability

  • Community: Surround myself with people who inspire, support, and challenge me; create these groups for others too

  • Service & Impact: Help as many people as powerfully as possible! That’s my purpose.

  • Creation: Make new things that are uniquely mine, whether that’s a song or a tool (like this) to support someone

  • Play: Be my silly ass self

  • Growth: Set meaningful goals that I’m motivated to crush, and commit myself to the process (over perfection)

  • Grace: Treat myself with kindness and compassion, knowing that’s how “Grace” can show up best for myself and others

Every week, I check in with myself. How have I been honoring my values? Where do I feel like I’m falling short? How does that impact me? Those around me? What small changes do I want to try next week?

I also look to my values when I am faced with big decisions or feeling “activated” (caught up in emotion and less rational). What would it look and feel like to honor my values right now? In the next week, month, or year?